Technology Pushes Conventional Culture to Extinction

The use of quills and ink has been a symbol of literature for centuries but the coming of pencils and pens has made it obsolete. Toronto IT companies made traditional IT services outdated by introducing new developments that outperforms the status quo. It became an example of how the improvements in science and technology had changed the lifestyle of people replacing old practices with the new.
Houses and structures made of bricks were common structures in the old days but the invention of concrete has changed people’s preferences in building cities. The evolution of architecture in ancient civilizations turned modern cities eradicated important buildings in favor new ones. The only remnants of a rich and glorious past are ruins that are becoming increasingly expensive to maintain and protect.
The latest threat faced by existing traditions will soon be born in the automotive industry. If the changes go as scheduled the sight of people going to gasoline stations, following traffic lights will begin to disappear. The need for professional drivers’ licenses and the job description “driver” will cease to exist. Companies are now in the final stages of developing technology that will soon bring self-driving cars to local show rooms. Once launched, no human will ever bother to learn the art of being one with machines, and driving will only be a skill mentioned in history books.
CEO of General Motors, Mary Bara concluded that the automotive industry is about to enter a time or rapid innovation probably more than what the world has seen in the last half century. She admits to blueprints of such technology being developed. She leaked information about an impending test drive of vehicles that are not driven.
Vehicles with their own life and independence taking you to destinations safely and without your conscious intervention are something you probably think is only possible in the movies. Think about how a flying metal is impossible for people who lived in a time before the Wright brothers’ invention of the first airplane; or how silly it would be to tell stories to ancient Jews about man walking on the moon. When you give it much thought, it is not that difficult to see that these are possibilities likely to become a reality.
Like any milestones that humans have achieved in the past, victories like the invention of autonomous cars will come with a cost. The price we have to pay for the convenience and the safer transport brought by this new invention is the possibility of losing the things and practices that define this generation. Your childhood memories of learning how to drive will become a funny story to your grandchildren.
When autonomous cars hit the local showroom and the streets of cities worldwide, the question remains whether or not the move to change old ways in favor of the new is worth it. Like any other turning points in the history of human existence, the switch is always unnoticeable and history confronts the existing generation with what is missing when it is missing for good.
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