3 Common Pediatric Eye Conditions

Most eye conditions affect adults and are most commonly seen for the first time in adulthood. However, some eye conditions occur in children or are seen from birth and commonly caught in early childhood.
Specialized pediatric eye care can help prevent and treat a large majority of pediatric eye conditions regardless of severity and onset.
If you are concerned that your child has a pediatric eye condition, the single best thing you can do is book them an appointment at a specialized pediatric eye care center.
An ophthalmologist can screen them for common pediatric eye diseases and develop a treatment plan for any concerning symptoms.
If you have ever wondered what pediatric eye diseases your ophthalmologist is screening for, these are the top five.
1. Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis can occur at any age, but it is especially common in younger children. Conjunctivitis is also known as pinkeye and is an inflammation, irritation, or infection of the outer transparent layer of tissue that overlies the white part of the eye.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by allergies to things, such as pollen or other particulate matter in the air around you, in which case, it is referred to as allergic conjunctivitis.
However, a large majority of cases of conjunctivitis are bacterial and infectious, and they are spread from person to person via skin contact. This is why, among children, there tend to be pinkeye outbreaks within daycares or classes at school. The children touch objects with their hands and spread the bacteria that cause conjunctivitis in the process.
The most common treatment of infectious conjunctivitis is with a pediatric eye infection treatment that is recommended by your ophthalmologist or general practitioner.
2. Strabismus
Strabismus is most commonly referred to as being cross-eyed.
It is a common misconception that strabismus only occurs in children. In reality, it does usually, but not always, occur from birth. However, since the more severe cases tend to be noticeable from an early age, it is thought of as an eye disease of childhood.
Strabismus can be easily corrected through surgery that adjusts the muscles that hold the eye in place and is among the more common ophthalmologic surgeries of childhood.
3. Amblyopia
More commonly referred to within the general population as a “lazy eye,” amblyopia occurs when one of the eyes does not achieve normal vision or acuity even with the use of prescription contact lenses or glasses.
Eye drops are commonly used to correct amblyopia, as well as eye patches and the use of different glasses lenses.
Though it is common for parents to be very concerned about their child’s amblyopia, it is a common condition that is easily treated in childhood.
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