10 Things Motorcyclists Should Know About Their Rights

motorcycle accident lawyer Houston


This blog post covers basic rights that motorists have when they are involved in a motorcycle accident. The blog article is meant to prepare motorcyclists for the various scenarios they might encounter during their ride, and give them the information they need to protect themselves as effectively as possible.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcycle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents in the United States. Every year, there are an estimated 1.3 million motorcycle accidents. This is a rate of almost one accident per hour.

One of the reasons motorcycle accidents are so common is that motorcycles are relatively low-powered vehicles. They are also less likely to have safety features like airbags and seat belts than cars do.

When you get into a motorcycle accident, it’s important to know your rights. You have the right to remain silent, the right to have a motorcycle accident lawyer Houston, and the right to receive medical care if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident. You also have the right to file a claim against your insurance company if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident.

Do I Have the Right to a Lawyer?

Motorcyclists have the same rights and protections as other drivers when it comes to traffic law. This means that they have the right to a lawyer if they are arrested or ticketed.

Some common traffic law violations that can be charged against motorcyclists include running a red light, making an improper turn, and helmet violation. Motorcyclists are also subject to the same laws governing alcohol and drug use as other drivers. If they are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they may be subject to serious penalties.

motorcycle accident lawyer Houston

What Should I Do if Someone Collides with My Car?

If you are involved in a car-motorcycle collision, the first thing you should do is avoid getting hurt. If you are not injured, the best thing to do is call the police.

If you are injured in a car-motorcycle collision, the first thing you should do is call 911. You should also try to identify the driver of the other vehicle. If you can’t identify the driver, you can contact the DMV to find out who the owner of the other vehicle is.

The motorcyclist’s rights in a car-motorcycle collision depend on many factors, including the age of the motorcycle, whether or not it was raining at the time of the collision, and whether or not there was any alcohol involved. However, one of the most important rights that a motorcyclist has is the right to safe passage through an intersection. If an intersection is blocked by traffic (including your own car), you have the right to go around it.

Can I Sue for Pain and Suffering?

Motorcyclists have the same rights and protections as other drivers when it comes to pain and suffering. If you are injured while riding a motorcycle, you can file a claim for pain and suffering.

You may be able to sue the person or company that was responsible for your injuries. You may also be able to seek financial compensation for the costs of your medical care, lost wages, and other damages. If you are injured in an accident, it is important to speak with a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer about your legal rights.

How Often Should Your Motorcycle Check by an Independent Party?

Motorcyclists should always check their motorcycle for mechanical problems before every ride. Checking for problems can help avoid potential accidents.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that all motorcycles be checked at least once a year. However, depending on the make and model of your motorcycle, you may need to check it more often. This will help ensure that your motorcycle is in good working order and avoids any potential safety issues.

If you notice any mechanical problems with your motorcycle, do not hesitate to take it to an authorized service center. Doing so will help to ensure that your motorcycle is safe to ride and avoid any potential accidents.


Motorcyclists have a lot of rights and responsibilities when it comes to the roads. This article provides an overview of some of the more important rights that motorcyclists have, as well as some things you should know if you are ever involved in a traffic accident. By being aware of your rights and exercising them properly, you can help ensure that your motorcycle ride is both safe and enjoyable.

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